Saturday, June 28, 2008

start it again!

wow, it seems that i've stopped posting on this blog for almost a year. Well, i'm now in mood to start over again LOL.
First, Blizzard has announced its new game to be DIABLO III ! i'm very excited right now. Haven't played any game lately, the last game i played was in fact Diablo II, some months back!
The Blizzard site is very lagged right now, so I couldn't check the gameplay. But hope that it won't be exclusively online multi player, since I don't have that much time too play online.
Bottom line, GO GO Blizzard!!

edit: Just saw the cinematic trailer and gameplay,and i gotta say: WOW!! (not world of warcraft) , it is astonishing!
I'll buy a new PC just to play this game. Considering that my PC is 5 years old now, it shouldn't be able to render those amazing scenes. But I don't think it'll come soon though, so i should have enough time for saving .

More info on Diablo III:

logo: (looks very nice)

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