Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Computing barycentric coordinate

I find a good website that teach me how to compute a barycentric coordinate of point P in the triangle T(v0,v1,v2). The formula can also be used to find is whether the P is inside T, which is the problem i want to solve.

Here is the link to the full explanation.

In short, the formula is like this:

u = V1-V0;
v = V2-V0;
w = P-V0;

The parametric coordinates (s,t) of P is the solution of the equation: w = su + tv, and the barycentric coordinates of P = b0V0 + b1V1 + b2V2 are equal to: b0 = (1-s-t), b1 = s, and b2 = t which satisfy: b0 + b1 + b2 = 1.

We can compute the solutions for s and t using only dot products as:

Thanks very much to Dan Sunday at for providing the solution.

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